Start Feeling
Better Today

– Our Services –

We Can Help

Gut Health
Gut health is the basis of mental and hormone health. If you are having difficulty with bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or pain after eating it could impact more than just your gut.
Menstrual Cycle
Periods don't have to be all consuming. We will take your period from being the worst part of the month to a friend who you understand and know how to take care of.
Anxiety & Stress
Feeling overwhelmed by everyday tasks or on brink of exploding from additional demands? We're here to assist you in reclaiming your strength and balance.
Rest & Sleep
Do you feel like you can't turn off your brain at night? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep? We have the tricks to get your body asleep and to stay asleep.
Brain Fog
Brain fog and feeling not like your self. Do you feel like your brain won't turn on? You know your brain can work better, but it won't get there and you don't know why. We will help you bring the sun.
Menopause is confusing. You have been taught extreme diets your entire life-from the grapefruit diet to keto. The diets you use to use now no longer work. I will help you learn to eat for your new body.
Let's see what you need.

Our specilities explained.

Menopause Journey

Throughout their lives, women have often been subjected to yo-yo dieting. Influenced by Barbie or super models, extreme restrictive diets have pervaded our society. As women transition into menopause, previous dietary guidelines may no longer serve them, especially amidst challenges like brain fog, hot flashes, and mood swings, coinciding with milestones like becoming empty nesters, welcoming grandchildren, or feeling mastery over life’s complexities. Dr. Ellie employs research-backed, sensible approaches to devise a tailored, non-restrictive nutrition guide to support you through this transformative phase.

Neurological Health

For those seeking to enhance their cognitive function and overall brain health, we got you. Whether you’re experiencing brain fog, a sense of disconnect from your usual self, persistent fatigue, or have been diagnosed with conditions like anxiety, depression, or ADHD, we can tailored to your needs. Following a comprehensive one-hour interview and an hour of educational sessions, you’ll receive a personalized plan. Weekly meetings will ensure you receive ongoing support during this journey, empowering you to become proficient in optimizing your brain’s performance and well-being.

Hormonal Healing

If you’re struggling with hormonal imbalances—whether due to extreme stress, heavy menstrual periods, stopping birth control, or simply trying to understand how nutrition affects your menstrual cycle—We’re here to help. We offer personalized support through in-depth consultations and ongoing meetings to guide you in nourishing your body in sync with your hormones. By working together, you’ll gain a clear understanding of your body’s unique needs and rhythms, empowering you to achieve better hormonal balance and overall well-being.


Start Today

15 Min Intake Session
  • Let's see if we're a good fit! Over a brief intake session we'll discuss your nutritional goals, discuss which plan may be best suited for you, and start the process towards helping you become a better you!
3 Months
  • Personalized plan to support you
  • 3 months of personalized nutrition counseling
  • Personalized meal plan, Optional labwork
3 Month + Labs
  • Personalized program that get to the deep roots of your concerns
  • 3 months of personalized nutrition counseling
  • Labs included: Hormone, cortisol and more
6 Months + Labs
  • 6 month protocol for those who have been suffering for over 1 to 2 years
  • 6 months of nutrition counseling + meal plan
  • Labs: Metabolic, Hormonal, cortisol and more
Custom Plan
  • None of the above plans fit what you're looking for? Let's talk! This package will include the above mentioned 15 minute intake session and one 60-minute session during which we will focus on tackling your individual nutrition needs. Afterwards, every additional 60-minute session will be $139.
  • Lab testing, if needed, will be determined on case-by-case basis.

SERVICESNutritional Coaching

Dr. Ellie is here to support you every step of the way – serving as your personal nutritionist focused on enhancing your well-being. Her caring approach will help you uncover the root causes of your concerns, offering the guidance you need.

In a landscape cluttered with contradictory and misleading nutritional advice, Dr. Ellie diligently reviews the latest peer reviewed research findings to guide you in the most up-to-date manner. No trendy diets. Just pure research.